Ideas for a Dirt Bike-Themed Bedroom

Tire-Track Walls
A dirt-bike tire makes cool-looking tracks in the dirt -- and on the walls. Paint the walls mud brown -- a gray-brown -- as the base color. Pour dark-gray latex paint onto an old sheet tray or other long, flat container. Have ready plenty of newspaper on the plastic-covered floor. Roll an old bike tire tread through the dark-gray paint, and let most of the paint drip off; a rod through the wheel makes a handy handle. Roll the tire over the newspaper to remove more paint; the less paint, the clearer the print. Roll the tire over the walls to create the idea of a race track around the room, or run it in all directions for an allover-print effect on a focal wall. Note the brown paint color number and brand, so that you can paint over the tracks when your dirt-bike loving son -- or daughter -- outgrows the theme.
Smart Window Treatments
Skip themed curtains sporting dirt-bike, tire or track images in favor of something with more style longevity. Black blinds provide a link to the walls' tire-track color, and the slats nod to wheel spokes, which you can use as an accessory later. If you prefer curtains, go with heavy, brown drapes that blend with the wall color and are classic enough to outlast the theme; the wispy structure of lightweight curtains doesn't suit a dirt-bike theme or provide much daylight or temperature control.
Rugged Furniture
Basically, themed furniture is a money sink. Instead, invest in a rugged wood bed, headboard, dresser and desk that your child won't outgrow. Dirt biking is an outdoor sport, so wood furniture is a natural go-to. For a young child, paint old furniture bright blue or racing-stripe red; a bright hue fortifies the theme in a more youthful way. You can always repaint the pieces when your child's style savvy matures.
Retrofitting Fitting Accessories
Let loose with accessories, kicking the dirt-bike theme into gear. Make a clock from a bike wheel, and mount dirt-bike handle bars on the wall. Upturn a fender, brace it on a stand, and use it as a catchall for small stuff, from pocket change to jewelry. Just know when to "bring down the checkered flag"; accessories should only make up about 10 percent of the room's design.
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