River House Decorating Ideas

If your house is on a river, you can use the river itself as inspiration for your home's decorating scheme. Adapt your riverfront setting to your decor style, and use color schemes, furnishings and accessories that reflect the natural beauty of the river environment.

Color Scheme
Simple color schemes and neutral tones provide a restful ambiance and let the natural environment take center stage. Consider tone-on-tone palettes in soft whites with the addition of watery grays and blues. Add interest with contrasting dashes of color, such as sunshine yellow, leafy green or poppy red, via tabletop vignettes, artwork, throw pillows and other accessories.

Natural Elements
Home furnishings such as hardwood floors, stone countertops and natural fabrics continue the nature-inspired theme. Create simple craft items, such as river stones glued to a trivet or willow twigs encircling a wastebasket, to add a personal touch.

Art and Accessories
Artwork that depicts river landscapes and images of local wildlife helps develop the river theme and tie your home in with its surroundings.To accent your decor, search antique shops and flea markets for memorabilia from your local environs. Examples include posters and handbills, game decoys, and fishing gear cast-offs, such as buoys, netting and tackle.


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