Design a Church Garden

A church is a place of prayer and meditation. You can add a deeper level of serenity to your prayer time by enjoying the sights and sounds of nature when you create a church garden. These tips will help you design a garden. Even a church with limited extra space can carve a neat prayer corner for its parishioners by using at least a few of these design ideas.

Designing Your Church Garden
Choose your location. Your church garden should be relatively close to the church or at least connected by a pathway. Keep in mind your parishioners while designing the church garden. Ideally they should be able to access the gardens easily.

Select your focal point or points for your church garden. Starting with a focal point will give you a place to begin after you have marked off your location. You may want to a make a memorial stone or a special piece of statuary your focal point.

Map out a walking path for your church garden. A walking path will give parishioners a place to stretch their legs while they pray or meditate. Decide which type of materials you will use for the pathway. Some choices could be gravel, steppingstones of assorted colors or even smooth pebbles.

Position a fountain somewhere in your church garden where it can be listened to and enjoyed. Have a bench or place to rest located close or within earshot of the fountain.

Add the other components to your church garden design. Include prayer stones that feature inspirational words like "peace" written on them. When placed on the ground of your prayer garden these prayer stones will help intercessors focus on spiritual things. You might also want to include meditation benches placed near special trees or bushes. A small gazebo or pergola would also be a fun component to add to your church garden.

Plant flora and fauna that are natural to your area. Be sure and include lots of variety in colors. Include plants that are symbolic to the Christian faith if they can grow in your area. Some of those might be olive trees, fig trees and the Peace Lily.


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