How to Remodel Your Older Concrete Swimming Pool

As a concrete swimming pool ages, it will begin to look run-down, dirty and unappealing. In order to keep the pool functioning properly, owners must occasionally take time to repair minor damage to prevent it from becoming more serious. Decking may become stained, concrete or tile cracked, and grout discolored. These problems, when corrected early, means less time and money will be spent bringing the pool back to life.

Replace Worn Pieces
Remove coping -- the stone or concrete used to cap the walls -- that has cracked, chipped or become discolored. These problems are associated with aging, and means the coping should be replaced. New materials provide more modern colors and styles to update and keep the pool looking fresh. An added bonus is that these new materials offer a longer lifespan.

Replace standard coping with a cantilevered deck. This kind of edge will not crack or chip, and there is no grout required, which will reduce cleaning. Additionally, it is significantly more durable and gives a cleaner, more modern look.

Replaster the surface of the pool to cover cracks and stains. The process is fairly simple, but usually time-consuming and helps to reverse damage caused by aging. Replastering requires the pool be drained, acid washed and the old surface replaced with new coats of plaster. This new plaster should last for 15 to 20 years.

Replace plumbing. Plumbing systems generally wear out with age, which means cleaning and other systems will require replacement. Replacing these parts while the pool is drained for resurfacing is ideal, and will save both time and money down the road. This project will most likely require the aid of a professional.

Update cleaning and chlorinating. Modern cleaning and chlorinating systems use technology to make both processes completely hands-off. Computer systems will control chlorine release, cleaning mechanisms, lights, water features and heaters.


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